Kindergarten Testing Prep

Beginning as early as August, we offer preparatory classes to help your child build confidence to prepare for Kindergarten Testing/Interviews for Private school!

Since our opening in 2020, we have successfully helped students and their families get accepted to private schools!

Which class is right for you?

Enrolling in ANY class will benefit your child when testing day comes around! Our classes teach children age appropriate gross motor/fine motor skills, how to transition from one activity to another, listening to instructions, waiting for their turn, and learning how to answer questions or express themselves proudly!

Other specialty classes offered will be…..

Kick Start Kindergarten - An online course with Ms. Ananda. This class will review basic skills learned in preschool (Math and ELA), touch upon new skills that will be taught in Kindergarten, work on public speaking, working on creativity, and much more!

Kindergarten Testing Prep (Individual) is an in person private session which are 20-30min long. During this time we simulate a one on one interview. We practice coming in to the facility and separating with our grownups. We will take them to our studio where we will go over our introductions, ask basic questions, practice reading comprehension, practice some drawing and explore creativity, trying songs or dances to see their age appropriate gross motor skills, using puzzles to practice problem solving skills….the list goes on! The sessions will always come with a feed back chart as well as a recorded video!

Kindergarten Testing Prep (Group) is an in person private session which are 30-45min long. During this time we simulate a group interview. We will work on listening to instructions, reenforce basic manners (taking turns, sharing, etc), transitioning from activity to activity, working and playing nicely with others, and more! The sessions will always come with a feed back chart as well as a recorded video!